The World Anti-Doping Agency has published its first ever Code Compliance Annual Report which reveals the extent of effective implementation of the Code.
The purpose of the Report is to clearly outline the achievements and challenges of reinforcing the standard of the Code upon signatories worldwide, it also aims to identify areas which can be improved upon so that compliance is worldwide and the global anti-doping system can be as effective as possible.
Key findings and reports include information relating to the non-compliance investigation into Russia, the creation of the International Testing Agency has contributed to the compliance of the relevant Signatories’ activities. Over 3000 corrective actions were implemented by Signatories and templates and checklists have now been created to assist in order to ensure compliance.
Chief Operating Officer for WADA, Frédéric Donzé, said “WADA is pleased to publish its first-ever Compliance Annual Report for 2019. This Report is an element of the new Compliance Strategy and another important piece of WADA’s commitment to transparency. Among other objectives, the Report is intended to clearly outline the achievements and challenges of WADA’s Compliance Monitoring Program, which aims to reinforce the standard of Code Signatory organizations’ work worldwide.”
You can access the Report here.