
Safeguarding in Sport

Services to assist sport organisations

Sport Resolutions provides several services to assist sport organisations at international and national level, with disputes and concerns of a safeguarding nature.

Sport Resolutions maintains a large panel, consisting of nearly 300 lawyers and leading experts in fields such as safeguarding, finance, medicine, and sport administration. They span 24 languages. Cases are administered by an experienced and approachable case management team which is also multi-lingual.

We would invite you to please get in touch with us to discuss any requirements your organisation may have using the contact information on the right hand side of this page. 

How to refer a case to Sport Resolutions?

To refer a safeguarding case to Sport Resolutions, whether that is for arbitration, a disciplinary process or investigation, the parties involved must consent to bring the matter to Sport Resolutions. Such agreement may be automatically incorporated into a relevant regulation, rule or contract of the referring sport organisation, or alternatively the parties may enter into an ad hoc arbitration agreement. The effect of the consent is to confer jurisdiction on Sport Resolutions to work with the parties. 

For information about our Arbitration services please visit here

For information about Investigation and Review services please visit here.

For information about Mediation services please visit here

For information about Data Protection, Confidentiality and Privacy please visit here.

National safeguarding services operated by Sport Resolutions:

For more information about the National Safeguarding Panel please click here

For more information on Safeguarding Case Management Programme please click here

Sport Integrity, which is a confidential reporting line and independent investigation service, supporting athletes, coaches and all support personnel within the Olympic and Paralympic high-performance community across the UK. For more information on Sport Integrity please click here.   

The "Safeguarding Partners Role and Responsibilities" document can be accesed via the related documents tab on the right hand side of this page.