Investigations & Reviews in Sport
Our investigations and review service provides an independent means of compiling evidence in connection with a complaint or allegation, in support of a sport organisation’s disciplinary procedures, complaints procedures or other regulations.
Our investigations and review service covers both international and national level, and includes:
- Assistance in appointing a suitably experienced member from our panel of independent arbitrators to lead the investigation/review
- Support and guidance in defining the terms of reference of the investigation/review
- Acting as the independent secretariat to the investigation/review to ensure that the investigation/review is completed on time and to budget and at arms length from the commissioning organisation
- Providing administrative support to the investigator/reviewer by arranging interviews and meetings
By commissioning Sport Resolutions to undertake an investigation or review, sport organisations can be assured of receiving an independent, professional and expert service.
Any national governing body, or international federation, can commission Sport Resolutions to undertake an independent investigation. Sport Resolutions has experience conducting international investigations in both English and French, in the areas of safeguarding (safe sport), emotional abuse, abuse of power, disciplinary matters, and discrimination.
The Sport Resolutions Panel features members from various jurisdictions with a wide range of skill-sets, expertise, and language abilities. Depending on the nature of the investigation, Sport Resolutions will nominate individual(s) with the requisite skill-sets and experience.
Sport Resolutions will provide independent administrative support to the appointed individual(s). That support may include, in a non-exhaustive manner: making contact with contributors, collating background documentation and evidence, collating confidentiality wishes and consents for disclosure, arranging interviews, sourcing transcripts and where necessary, interpreters.
At the outset, terms of business outlining contractual arrangements between the commissioning organisation(s) and Sport Resolutions will be drawn up.
The scope of the investigation, as well as any parameters, should be set out in Terms of Reference, to which the investigator, or investigation team, will be working.
An investigation plan may be drafted and approved by the commissioning body, and whilst working to the plan, regular updates provided.
Examples of investigations and reviews completed by Sport Resolutions include:
- Investigating allegations of discriminatory behaviour
- Investigating child safeguarding allegations
- Reviewing the handling of employee disciplinary issues by NGBs
- Reviewing the handling of complaints by NGB boards
- Reviewing allegations made against NGB boards
Completed Investigations include:
- Independent Review into Child Sex Abuse Allegations in Football
- PFA Independent Review
- Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Investigation
- Lawn Tennis Association Independent Review
- UK Athletics Independent Safeguarding Review
- Cycling Independent Review
- British Equestrian Federation Independent Review
- Canoeing Independent Investigation
- European Rugby League Investigation
Should you require Sport Resolutions to conduct and manage an investigation, review or inquiry, please contact us:
- What is the difference between an investigation and a review?
Generally speaking, an investigation is a fact finding exercise as to whether there is evidence to support allegation(s), and that in light of the evidence gathered, it is more likely that the conduct took place, or not.
On the other hand, a review often deals with historical allegations, and whether or not those individual(s) or organisation(s) to whom those allegations were made properly investigated and took action at the time they were raised.