
National Anti-Doping Panel

Adjudicating anti-doping disputes in sport

The National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) is the United Kingdom’s independent tribunal responsible for adjudicating anti-doping disputes in sport.

The service is operated by Sport Resolutions in accordance with its own procedural rules and is entirely independent of UK Anti-Doping, who are responsible for investigating, charging and prosecuting cases before the NADP.

The NADP is established by the United Kingdom’s Anti-Doping Policy and is funded by the UK government’s Department for Culture Media and Sport. The service is available to athletes and governing bodies without charge.

For further information about the UK Anti-Doping Rules please visit the UK Anti-Doping website.

For further details about the WADA Code please visit the World Anti-Doping Agency website.


How much does it cost and who has to pay?

The NADP is established by the UK’s Anti-Doping Policy and is funded by the UK government’s Department for Culture Media and Sport. The service is available to athletes and governing bodies without charge.

Can the parties access Sport Resolutions’ pro bono legal advice service?

The service is available to all athletes in proceedings before Sport Resolutions. Further information on the service can be found on the Pro Bono Service Page.

How are the arbitrator(s) chosen?

The President of the NADP will appoint the panel, that will hear and determine each matter, from members of the NADP. The NADP is comprised of 29 individuals who have knowledge and experience of sport and the anti-doping environment of sport.

The NADP procedural rules provide for the appointment of a sole arbitrator or a panel of three. The chair of the arbitration panel will always be legally qualified and side members come from a broader range of professional backgrounds, such as medical professionals, scientists, psychologists and ex-professional athletes.

How is the hearing timetable and location decided?

A telephone / video-conference directions hearing will be set up by the Secretariat, attended by the Chair of the Panel and the parties, at which they will agree the timetable for filing submissions and the hearing date.

Will my Hearing take place in public or private?

The Athlete or other Person being charged with the anti-doping rule violation has the right to request a public hearing. The anti-doping organisation may also request a public hearing, provided that the other party consents to the same.

How is the decision of the National Anti-Doping Panel communicated?

The Decision will be given in writing, with detailed reasons, within three (3) weeks of the conclusion of the hearing or the closing of the evidentiary phase when the dispute is decided based on written submissions. The decisions are distributed by e-mail to the parties, and those with a right of appeal to the Decision.

The parties may request an operative award with written reasons to follow if the matter is urgent. E.g. Provisional Suspension application of an Athlete wishing to participate in an imminent event.

Will my decision get published?

Where an ADRV has been found, the Anti-Doping organisation and Secretariat, Sport Resolutions, will publish the decision in accordance with its anti-doping rules.

How do I appeal against an award of the National Anti-Doping Panel?

Right of appeal to an NADP Decision is outlined in the Rules. Appeals for national level athletes are to the NADP and international level athletes are to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (‘CAS’).