
Diversity Statement

Improving the diversity of the organisation

Sport Resolutions is committed to diversity in all aspects of its business and activities.

Sport Resolutions is open and accessible to all and the Board will ensure that stakeholders, staff, directors, job applicants and clients are treated fairly regardless of sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, age, marriage and civil partnership, parental or marital status, pregnancy and maternity, disability, religion or belief, colour, race including nationality or ethnicity and socio/economic background. 

The Board strives to improve leadership, diversity and performance throughout the organisation. The Board believes that diversity, along with varied skills and experiences, contributes to a balanced and more effective organisation. Sport Resolutions is committed to comply with the Governance Code, including having a minimum of 30% of each gender on the Board with the aim of achieving greater gender parity.

The Board implements an open and wide-ranging recruitment process for independent directors that reaches all sectors of the community to attract the widest possible range of applicants for available positions. In relation to Member directors, the Board encourages the membership to consider diversity when nominating individuals for member director positions.

The Case Management Team and Panel Appointments & Review Committee are working to improve the diversity of the Sport Resolutions Panel.

Our Diversity Action Plan, which is considered and approved by the Board on an annual basis, lists the steps the organisation will take to further improve the diversity of the organisation internally, as well as promoting diversity externally through our Panels and educational events.

Sport Resolutions is currently working with AKD Solutions to create an ambitious, bespoke and robust Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).