
Join our Pro-Bono Service

Administered by Sport Resolutions

Sport Resolutions' Pro-Bono Service exists to provide representation to individuals with limited financial means.


The application window for the Sport Resolutions-administered Pro Bono Service closed on 21st June 2024.

Outside of this window, applications to join the Pro Bono Service will be considered by the Panel Appointments and Review Committee on a quarterly basis.

Prior to completing an application, please make sure you have read and understand the information below and the Pro Bono Service Terms of Reference.

To view the application form (opens new window), please click HERE

You will be asked to submit a covering letter and CV or portfolio as part of the application. The form itself will likely take 15-minutes to complete.

Successful applicants can expect to receive an appointment letter within 4 months of submission.


The Pro Bono Legal Advice and Representation Service (“The Pro Bono Service”) originates and operates as a legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Members of the original London 2012 Pro Bono Legal Advice & Representation Service, operated by Sport Resolutions, assisted athletes, and others with Games accreditation, by providing pro bono legal advice on any Games related matter.

Purpose & Scope

The purpose of the Service is to:

Provide pro bono legal advice and assistance to athletes and individuals of limited financial means, who are either:

  • Involved in UK Sport funded high performance sport, or;
  • Request assistance from the Service through the British Elite Athletes Association, or;
  • Involved in proceedings administered by Sport Resolutions and request assistance from the Service. These include matters administered on behalf of International Federations, matters determined by the National Anti-Doping Panel, the National Safeguarding Panel, and other ad hoc arbitrations and mediations administered by Sport Resolutions.

Assistance may include summary advice and/or representation in relation to athlete eligibility, selection, disciplinary, anti-doping, and classification matters. This list is non-exhaustive.

Membership and Composition

The Service will be composed of chambers, firms, barristers and solicitors appointed by the Panel Appointments and Review Committee (“PARC”), in accordance with the appointment criteria. If appointed to the Service, the Member need only consider a request for pro bono assistance – there is no compulsion on the part of any Service Member to accept any pro bono request. Service membership may be given to an individual lawyer or barrister, a solicitors’ firm or a barristers’ chambers.


Appointment to the Panel is for a period to be specified by the PARC and notified to the Service Member. PARC reserves the right to review Service Membership and/or categories of Service Membership from time to time. Service Members may withdraw from the Pro Bono Service at any time.

Criteria for Appointment to the Pro Bono Panel:

Members of the Service (whether it be as an individual or a firm/chambers) should have recent experience in at least two of the following areas; anti-doping, safeguarding, athlete selection, eligibility, Paralympic classification, corporate governance, sport disciplinary procedures, integrity issues in sport, commercial contracts, employment and discrimination or any other area identified by Sport Resolutions as targets for service provision;

Service Members are not required to make any fixed time commitment beyond making reasonable efforts to be available to offer pro bono advice and assistance when asked to do so;

The PARC will be able to accept/reject applications at its discretion and will consider the current and potential needs of those requiring the support of the Service when exercising that discretion. Potential factors to consider may be to fill gaps in experience and/or geographical spread and/or to meet diversity requirements, and/or anticipate trends.

The service is made up of barristers' chambers, law firms and individual practitioners who are willing to provide pro-bono legal advice and representation to athletes, coaches, team officials, and other individuals appearing before Sport Resolutions and other sport specific tribunals. The pro-bono service was created to provide a safety net for unrepresented individuals who do not have the means to fund their own representation.

The service currently offers assistance in the following areas of law:

  • Anti-doping
  • Athlete selection and eligibility
  • Athlete and player contracts
  • Child safeguarding 
  • Governance
  • Adults at Risk
  • Discipline
  • Paralympic classification
  • Employment
  • Discrimination
  • Vetting procedures
  • Integrity issues

Sport Resolutions is particularly keen to hear from practitioners with the skills and experience to represent individuals before the National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) and the National Safeguarding Panel (NSP), and other International Federation (IF) or National Governing Body (NGB) tribunals administered by Sport Resolutions. Members of the Service are expected to assist where they can but are not obliged to accept all requests that are made.

For any queries please email panels@sportresolutions.com


Direct Access Qualified

Both direct access and non-direct access members of the Bar can apply to the Pro Bono Service. This question applies to applicants based in countries where a Direct Access Scheme operates, such as the UK.   

The Direct Access Scheme allows members of the public to instruct an authorised barrister directly (without the need to instruct via a solicitor or firm). On occasions where an individual is not direct access qualified, we may be able to assist by putting barristers in touch with solicitors from our pro bono panel, who can provide instructions. 

Can I apply for the Pro Bono Panel if I am undergoing my LPC, BPTC, Training Contract or Pupillage? 

We require all individuals applying for Sport Resolutions' Pro Bono Panel to be qualified Lawyers or Barristers, holding a practising certificate in their country of practice.