- Sport: Sailing
- Issue: Arbitration
- Type: Regulation & Governance
- Tribunal: Ian Hunt (Chair), Erika Reidl, James Kitching
- Decision date: 12 August 2022
- Outcome: dismissed the appeals of the suspended individuals
Decision Details
A decision in the case of eight individuals against World Sailing has been issued by the Independent Panel.
On 23 May 2022, World Sailing’s Council and Member National Authorities voted to temporarily suspend eight Russian and Belarussian members of Council and World Sailing’s various committees and bodies.
Mrs Tatiana Ermakova, Mrs Yana Dobzhitskaya, Mrs Natalia Chubenko, Mrs Anna Deyanova, Mr Pavel Sobolev, Mrs Anastasia Maletina, Mrs Natalia Kurbatova Lueders and Mrs Polina Golovina who were temporarily suspended issued appeals against their temporary suspensions on 29 May 2022.
On 12 August, the Independent Panel, consisting of Ian Hunt (Chair), Erika Reidl and James Kitching, issued its decision. The Independent Panel;
- dismissed the appeals of the suspended individuals
- upheld the appeal of Mrs Tatiana Ermakova against her suspension as a member of the World Sailing Q&A Panel an the ROC
- upheld the appeal of Mrs Natalia Chubenko against her purported suspension as a member of the International Judges Sub-Committee
- upheld the appeal of Mrs Anna Deyanova against her purported suspension as an IRO
The Independent Panel members were nominated by Sport Resolutions who were in turn appointed by World Sailing Judicial Board (independent of World Sailing).
A copy of the full decision can be accessed via the related links tab on the right-hand side.