
Wed, May 15, 2024

FIS v Franz Steinle


  • Sport: Skiing
  • Issue: Arbitration
  • Type: Integrity & Discipline
  • Tribunal: Michael Beloff KC, Anne Ramberg, Leanne O’Leary
  • Decision date: 08 April 2024
  • Outcome: Charges dismissed

Decision Details

The Secretariat to the International Ski and Snowboard Federation Ethics Committee publishes the below message from the International Ski and Snowboard Federation Ethics Committee: 

“On 16 January 2024 the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) brought four charges against Franz Steinle, a German member of its Council for alleged breaches of its ethical codes by disclosure of confidential information to unauthorised persons. One charge was subsequently withdrawn and after considering evidence and submissions from the parties provided both in writing and at a hearing, a Panel of the FIS Ethics Committee dismissed the remaining three charges.”

Sport Resolutions is the independent secretariat to the International Ski and Snowboard Federation Ethics Committee.