
Tue, May 28, 2024

World Athletics v Thiago Braz


  • Sport: Athletics
  • Issue: Arbitration
  • Type: Anti-Doping
  • Tribunal: Anna Bordiugova, Hannu Kalkas, Nick de Marco KC
  • Decision date: 20 May 2024
  • Outcome: 16 months ineligibility

Decision Details

A decision in the case of World Athletics (WA) against Thiago Braz has been issued by the Disciplinary Tribunal.

On 2 July 2023, during the “Bauhaus Galen” Diamond League in Stockholm, Sweden, Mr Braz, a Brazilian athlete, specialised in pole vault, provided an In-Competition urine sample that resulted in an Adverse Analytical Finding. On 23 February 2024, the AIU issued Mr Braz with a Notice of Charge for committing Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADVRs) for the Presence and Use of ostarine gluronide, a metabolite of enobosam (ostarine), a substance on the WADA 2023 Prohibited List (Category S1.2 Other Anabolic Agents), as a Non-Specified Substance prohibited at all times. 

The Disciplinary Tribunal was comprised of Ms Anna Bordiugova (Chair), Mr Hannu Kalkas, and Mr Nick de Marco KC.

The Athlete alleged that the ADRV was not committed by the Athlete neither intentionally nor with significant negligence, and that, consequently, the sanction should be no more than the period of Provisional Suspension already served. The Athlete argued that the ostarine entered his body through the consumption of unknowingly contaminated supplements.  

The Tribunal was satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that the origin of the ADRVs were the contaminated supplements. As to the Athlete’s level of Fault in committing the ADRVs, the Tribunal was convinced that the Athlete did not manifestly disregard the risk of committing an ADRV and that the ADRV was not intentional and despite that the Tribunal considered that the Athlete should have been more cautious with his trust to the medical team and should have requested more specific information and documents, and should have made mode research, he acted with No Significant Fault or Negligence. 

The Disciplinary Tribunal thereby determined that an ADRV had been established pursuant to Rule 2.1 of the World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules. A period of Ineligibility of sixteen (16) months was imposed. The period of Ineligibility commenced on the date of the decision, 20 May 2024, but credit was given for the period Mr Braz was provisionally suspended, therefore running from 28 July 2023. 

Sport Resolutions is the independent secretariat to the World Athletics Disciplinary Tribunal.

A copy of the full decision can be accessed via the related links tab on the right-hand side.