
Wed, April 10, 2024

Sport Resolutions Panel Welcomes Its Members for 2024-2027 Term

Sport Resolutions Panel Welcomes Its Members for 2024-2027 Term

We are delighted to have completed the composition of the Sport Resolutions Panel for the period of 2024-2027.

Sport Resolutions (SR) renews its Panel every three years. The application window for joining Sport Resolutions' Panel for the period of April 2024 to March 2027 was open from November 2023 to January 2024, during which we received a significant number of applications. 

Following the closure of the recruitment window, the Panel Appointments and Review Committee (PARC) made its decisions independently, based on the published application criteria. 

The Committee also considered diversity, additional skills, and geography in appointing a Panel that can meet Sport Resolutions’ service requirements over the next three years. 

In addition to arbitrators and mediators, the Sport Resolutions' Panel includes individuals with a range of other skills and professions such as doctors, scientists, psychologists, pharmacologists, former police officers, social workers, accountants, HR professionals, magistrates and ex-athletes, which allows us to tailor appointments to the specific requirements of a case.

We are also pleased to announce an increase in the number of female members on the SR Panel for 2024-2027. Female members now comprise 33% of the entire Panel.

Additionally, overall our Panel boasts representations from 33 nationalities and spans 21 languages. 

We congratulate all our panel members on their appointment/reappointment to the Sport Resolutions Panel for the period of 2024-2027.

Notes to editors

  • SR doesn’t share the list of panel members, as SR makes the nominations rather than the parties. By taking this approach, the appointed tribunals are completely independent of the parties. 
  • Depending on the nature of the case we check our panel list to identify individuals with relevant skills. After conflict reviews (all panel members are expected to declare any known or potential conflicts of interest at all times) and availability checks we then inform the parties of who the appointed members are. A party can still object to an appointment if it believes there might be a conflict of interest. 
  • We allow our panel members to sit on other organisations’ panels. Our effective conflict-checking processes ensures that panel members can serve on multiple panels without conflicting interests. 
  • The next application window for joining Sport Resolutions Panel for the period April 2027 - March 2030 will open in November 2026.


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