UK Athletics and the four Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) have launched the new safeguarding policies and procedures which marks the fulfilment of the six core recommendations of the Christopher Quinlan Safeguarding Review administered by Sport Resolutions and supports the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAFs) with their implementation of new procedures at a grassroots level.
The new safeguarding policies and procedures are set to bring heightened levels of safeguarding expertise and improved processes throughout the sport across the UK.
In a statement UK Athletics said Angus Macdonald, formerly lead safeguarding officer at Scottish Athletics, now heads up this team and the UK-wide approach, and two new safeguarding officers have been added to the department bringing with them significant levels of experience within safeguarding and as former police officers.
UK Athletics Chief Executive Officer Joanna Coates said:
“This is a significant step forward in our aim to implement the strongest possible safeguarding measures. The risk-based approach will help ensure we can maintain the zero-tolerance policy for any behaviours that we do not want to see within our sport.
“I want people to trust that we can put those situations right and urge anyone in a situation they feel is not right to use one of the many ways they can now report these behaviours and believe they will be treated fairly and supported through the process.
“I welcome our new safeguarding officers to the team and hope that we will be able to look upon this as a significant step towards making our sport the safest for young people to take part in.”
UK Athletics reported that the sport continues to work towards meeting the remaining recommendations of the Quinlan report and they would report on further progress later in the year.
All new policies and procedures can be found here.