Sport Resolutions will be hosting a seminar on safeguarding and leadership aiming at those in a Board or leadership role within their organisation, safeguarding leads and legal professionals who are involved in safeguarding proceedings.
Jennie Smith, Sport Resolutions panel member, Barrister and the Founder of Safeguarding Today will be identifying the key themes from recent reports into abuse in sport and the responsibilities of the decision makers in sport.
Former England football player, and safeguarding advocate Paul Stewart will be speaking about his experience as a survivor of abuse in sport and provide insights into groomers’ behaviours in the hope that it could help protect children in the future.
The event will take place on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at the Sport Resolutions office, 1 Paternoster Lane, St Paul’s, London, EC4M 7BQ, between 13:30 and 15:30, followed by some time for networking. Drinks and snacks will be provided.
Seminar outcomes
- Identify board and SMT responsibilities in safeguarding
- Analyse case studies to learn from good practice
- Identify key themes from recent reports into abuse in sport
- Recognise the legal, brand reputation and impact of abuse
Although in-person attendance is encouraged, we provide a limited number of online tickets to those who are based outside London and/or the UK. If you meet this criteria please email us at to receive a 20% discount code.